Breaking News
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Info Post

American Perspective -- Kathy Ireland Speaks Out to Defund Planned Parenthood-Rule 5

Atlas Shrugs -- Muslim North Attacks Southern Sudan, Burning and Looting in Abyei

A Conservative Teacher -- Barack Obama Returns to George W Bush's Foreign Policy? 

A Patriotic Rottweiler -- Herman Cain on C-Span Road to the White House 2012

A Western Heart -- Leftists are Now the Establishment

Adrienne's Corner -- Sunday: Devoted to All Things Israel 

Allied Liberty News -- Nixa MO Family Could Face Millions in Fines from USDA for Selling Rabbits without a License 

Always On Watch -- What Obama Believes? 

Amusing Bunni's Musings -- Breitbart: Conservatives Need to Regain Control of the Narrative

Barking Spider -- Climate Change: The Green Political Agenda

BBCW -- Joplin Tornado: It Doesn't Even Look Real

Beer, Bicycles, and the VRWC -- Israel

Beers With Demo -- Indiana State Supreme Court 4th Amendment Ruling Follow-Up

Blowing San #1 -- Regarding the John Jay Report

Bluegrass Pundit -- Sarah Palin Schools Obama on Israel

Bread Upon the Waters -- Farther Along - Brad Paisley

Can We Keep Our Republic? -- Drone Aircraft

Catholic Once Again -- Pope Blesses Astronauts

Christians Against Leftist Heresy -- More Presbyterian Sins and the Fall of Presbyterian Church USA

Commentarama -- 2012 Contenders: Recent Winners and Losers 

Common Cents -- Video: And the 2011 Celebrity Apprentice Winner is: 

Conservative Hideout 2.0 -- Evidence is Mounting that Obamacare is All Sorts of Corrupt? 

Conservative Perspective -- Priceless - Bibi Netanyahu and Barry Soetoro in their Early Twenties

Creative Minority Report -- Shouldn't MTV be Pro-Life? 

Deacon For Life -- Gospel of Life Today is Out

DeanO -- Today's Political Cartoon 

Don't Tread On Us (formerly Trestin Meacham) -- Charity Challenge 

Eye Of Polyphemus -- Kate Perry

Faith of the Fathers -- Missal Moment #3 - The Centurion 

Generational Dysfunction -- The Honor Flight

Global Domination Through Applied Inactivity -- More TSA-Related Crap 

Greg Mankiw's Blog -- Strong Dollar = Strong Economy?

Hack Wilson -- Gender Role Swappage in America -- Obama's New Truth Ministry

Innominatus -- Field Guide to Hippie Identification

It Don't Make Sense - It's Called Karma, Stupid

Jo-Joe Politico --Handling Radical Islam - Andrew Klavan on the Culture

Just a Conservative Girl -- Cain Follows Up on Misstep With Hannity 

Just An Artist -- Kitty VS. Fly 

Left Coast Rebel -- "An Attack on Pakistan is an Attack on China"

Let The Truth Be Known -- A Moment With Our Father Part II - Struggling with Fertility - Artificial Insemination 

 Legal Insurrection -- Netanyahu at AIPAC 

Liberty At Stake -- Stuck on Keynesian Stupid 

Lisa Graas -- Why are Some Catholics Supporting Ron Paul?

Maggie's Notebook -- Israel's Pre-1967 War borders: What they mean - The Reality 

Mind Numbed Robot -- College Student Responds To "Defining American" - Unwittingly Provides Proof of Generational Training

Motivation Truth -- Governor Palin's Goal: Oust Our "Temporary Leader" 

Musings of a Vast Right-Winger -- Former Dem Rep Mckinney Trashes US Political System, Praises Iran on Iranian TV

My Daily Trek -- Obama Destroys Alliance With Israel

Nikon Sniper -- Navigating the Slot Canyons 

NoOneofAnyImport -- Sunday Music Serendipity 

No Sheeple's Here -- The Scolding of America's Child Emperor 

Nonsensible Shoes -- Victoria Day

Obama Cartoons -- To Drill or Not to Drill!!!

Orthometer -- Is To Art, As Hippies Are to People

Pathetically Incorrect -- Vindication 

Patriot's Corner -- Virginia's Caroline Greys Civil War Flag Renewed and on Display 

Pedaling Fast & Trying To Keep Up -- Look What Hatched!

Political Realities -- Israel - President Obama's Waterloo?

Proof Positive -- Barack Obama and All That Blarney

Pundit & Pundette -- Feel-good Story 

QUICKWIT -- Contractor Can't Account for &9.8 million in Project to Aid Iraqi Farmers 

Randy's Roundtable -- How To Grow Your Congregation 

Rational Nation USA -- Delusion Runs Deep Among Democrats 

Reaganite Republican -- Reaganite's Sunday Funnies 

Right Klik -- Thank You, Mrs. Mitch Daniels 

Right Wing Extreme -- A Needed Change in EPA Motives - A Guest Article 

Robbing America -- Funding and Expanding Poverty 

Saber Point -- "Stray Cat Strut" With String Bass 

Self Evident Truths -- The Agenda Project: America The Beautiful Spreading Lies About Medicare Cuts

Sentry Journal -- Friday Ramblings: Our System is Not Broken; However Something else is

Solid Rock or Sinking Sand -- Harold Camping - False Prophet 

STOP MARXISM -- 3 South Florida Residents, including Imam from Margate, Arrested in Taliban Case

The Black Sphere -- How Obama Will Legalize 20M Mexicans fast 

The Blog -- Cool Photo 

The Born Again Americans -- Recycle Sunday, "You Had To Be There" 

The Catholic Knight -- For The Tornado Victims in Joplin, MO

The Camp of The Saints -- Herman Cain: The First 48 

The Conservative Lady -- Pakistan Weapons - Grade Nuclear Reactor on Fast Track 

The Country Thinker -- How the Debt Ceiling Proves There are No Social Security or Medicare Trust Funds

The Daley Gator -- Tax Cheats Among Recipients of Obama Stimulus Money

The Humble Libertarian -- 10 Reasons Ron Paul Can Win in 2012

The Last Tradition -- New York Bans Smoking in Public Outdoor Places 

The Libertarian Patriot -- Together We Can Stop Patriot Act Extension 

The Malcontent -- Netanyahu Urges U.S. Return to 1845 Borders

The Observatorium -- You Thought the Cafeteria Cams Were Bad?

The Oracular Opinion -- GOP Contenders Need Awesomeness Like Obama!

The Other McCain -- Never Burn a Source 

Theblogprof -- Video: The Osama Bin Laden Burial at Sea

They Say/We Say -- Teachers Unions Political Donations at a Glance

TOTUS: Freedom of Choice 

Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesia -- Dignity and Duties of the Priest, St. Alphonsus Liguori 

Warning Signs -- There is NO Palestine

What Does The Prayer Really Say? -- Catholic Church Destroyed by Tornado in Joplin, MO

Wolf Files: 12 % Pure Hope -- The Case For Voter ID: Can Dems Win Elections Without Cheating?

Woman Honor Thyself -- Congressman Allen West on the Two State "Solution" 

Woodsterman - It's Armed Forces Day! 

Zilla of the Resistance -- This is What They Believe 


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