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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Info Post
Alright, I am irked more than ever now!! I just found out through, that three more advertisers have dropped support for Glenn Beck's show.

And, The advertisers are - Wal-Mart, CVS, and Best Buy.

Alright, I am calling on the BLACK LISTING of these three Companies!!!! If permissible, I am going to leave fliers outside these three companies stores and tell the truth about Glenn Beck. What the hell, Maybe I'll be a rebel and do this regardless of whether permissible or not. Letting ordinary Americans know the truth about these companies and Glenn Beck is very important. I hope you would consider doing the same. Reveal the truth that Obama does have racist tendencies and his comments regarding the Cambridge Police prove just that. He relied on race, and favored one race, the black race while admitting he didn't know all of the facts.

The group, ColorOfChange, an African-American online political organization has targeted Beck’s advertisers since his calling Obama a “racist,”. I think we need to hit this organization hard. I mean really fight back with massive amounts of emails, letters etc. to their office expressing our outrage towards this pro-black and anti-white organization. I think we also need to STOP BUYING from any company or organization that supports Color of Change. I am calling for an all out revolt on this group. We must stand by Glenn Beck especially while he goes through these turbulent times. Beck has a right to his free speech. We, conservatives have a right to patronize, or not patronize who we want. I am encouraging everyone not to patronize any of the Color Of Change's advertisers on the basis that these Pro-Black organizations are promoting racism and a racist life-style-Meaning they are for giving blacks an advantage over every other race.

'Rucker added that the organization's problems with Beck run deeper than just his “racist” comments. Beck, in his opinion, is regularly stoking the “fears of white America” and “pushing fiction as if it's news analysis.” '

Glenn Beck is NOT A RACIST!!!!! He is for ALL AMERICANS!!!
He was merely describing the racist tendencies of our President. Beck has observed Obama's covert, or hidden pro-black racist tendencies transform into overt racist tendencies, that honestly is hard to miss now. Obama was very good at hiding this fact from ordinary American(people who don't pay attention to politics, unlike us well informed Americans), but now his racist tendencies have become overt in nature.

EXCUUUUUSE ME !!!! But President Obama is and was the person playing race politics. And, he did so in a very bad way. Obama made "racist" comments. For some reason it seems to me that a decent amount of black people just love to make themselves out to be victims. And, that just SICKENS ME!!!!! Some African-Americans have promoted this victimization complex, where whatever they do that is wrong, or if anything bad happens to them and it happens to involve a different race, then they try to make themselves out to be the victim. Us Conservatives of all races have gotten past this racial identity politics. How many of the blacks living today experienced SLAVERY? Probably a very, very few or even NONE. So, I say get the HELL off this victimization complex and start actually promoting equality for all Americans.

According to the Constitution, ALL MEN(People) ARE CREATED EQUAL


In my book, we are all on the same playing field. The hand that you are dealt in life is exactly that, and what you do with that or how you deal with that is all up to you. Everyone has a decision on whether to work hard and become successful, or not. And, well if African-Americans keep believing in this sense of entitlement mentality and in being victims when they are not, they will never grow as Americans to the best of their ability. As, conservatives we challenge every person, regardless of race, to do their very best to succeed in life, and to give it their all.



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