From Gotcha Media : When Avery gets captured by Kim Jong-Il (perfectly portrayed by Margaret Cho), Jack has to call in a favor from his ex-g...
John Bolton at NRA Convention, Says Obama is "Following the Mexican Line"
John Bolton is spot on! The Obama administration is simply out to lunch and doesn't get *it* when it comes to the Mexican violence which...
Herman Cain Speaks to the NRA Convention
Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding: Music Pays Tribute to Princess Diana
From Mirror : "PRINCE William and Kate Middleton will pay a touching tribute to Princess Diana today – when their wedding service will ...
Superman Renounces United States Citizenship?
What? Oh No! This sounds like bad news... Or not? From Comics Alliance : After recently undertaking a journey to walk -- not fly -- across ...
On Not Drilling and Pain at the Pump
How any person could actually think that Obama feels your pain at the pump is unfathomable to me. This President has put an unnecessary bla...
Here is a New Conservative Blog
I recently came upon a great new blog called The Conservative Diva , by way of Andrew of Allied Liberty News . The blog is coauthored by tw...
Ray Stevens on the Obama Budget Plan
Our National Debt
H/T American Perspective
Revolutionary Socialist Group Planning to Recruit Children in JR High School
Well, it looks like the socialists are going to be targeting younger children to indoctrinate them into their extremist, Socialist revolutio...
Happy Easter!
Here is a video showing the Resurrection story. Here is Chris Tomlin singing I Will Rise. I am not a fan of rap but this video is both cute ...
Rule 5 - Ana Serradilla
American Perspective - Beautiful hair is a woman's crowning glory Camp of the Saints - Rule Five Saturday , Hump Day Rule Five , Ru...
Who Is Actually Doing The Taking?
In this video President Obama talks about the wealthy or the entrepreneurs "taking". Taking from who? The entrepreneurs are not ...
Good Friday - Jesus Said "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit"
From Luke 22:14-20, 23:39-46 -- And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him. And he said to them: With desir...
Since we have rule 5 for the guys I thought that I would do hunkalicious for the gals. Enjoy! Jared Padelecki Clint Walker Robert Redford M...
Baby Joseph Comes Home
From Courageous Priest : Sentenced To Die By a Canadian Hospital, Fr. Pavone and Priests for Life Champion The Cause To Save Baby Joseph’s L...
Spread The Grades
H/T American Power
Traffic Fines Used As Revenue, Not Necessarily About Traffic Safety
Cities, towns, and states need to increase their revenues so this is one more way for them to stick it to the citizen and do just that. What...
McDonald's Parking Lot Rage
CLEVELAND — Three people were struck by a car and two others were arrested after a fight broke out at a McDonald's during their "N...
U.S. Government Treats Koran as "Holy" and the Bible as "Trash" What?!?
This is despicable!! Our government should not be treating the Christian holy book, the bible, as if it was garbage that needed to be thrown...
Happy Passover!
Wishing all Jews a Happy Passover!! Here is a pretty awesome video showing the Passover story. Back in elementary school I attended a Catho...
Is This What Progressives Mean by New Civility?
If it is, I don't want anything to do with it. Yep, I don't want any parts of their version of "civility" at all. Progres...
Faith Post: Celebrating Palm Sunday
Fr. Angelo preaches on the contrast between Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem and the curses and condemnations that followed a few ...