Ayaan Hirsi Ali is the personification of strength. Born in Mogadishu, Somalia and raised in a devoutly Muslim household, Ali grew up in an ...
Another Tragedy Hits Murdered Rancher's Family
In March Robert Krentz was murdered by someone who is suspected to be an illegal immigrant and now his widow, Sue Krentz, has been hit by a ...
Honoring Fallen Veterans
My Mom and Dad just emailed me this and I thought that I would pass it along.
Czech President is Correct When Opposing UN Intervention in Economics
From Reuters : UNITED NATIONS, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Czech President Vaclav Klaus on Saturday criticized U.N. calls for increased "globa...
Chris Coons - The REAL out of touch and Extreme Candidate Running for the Delaware Senate
Chris Coons is so out of touch with the American people that on his website he states that matters such as his following Marxism and promoti...
Jayne Mansfield - Rule 5 Saturday
Mourning in America
+ H/T AlwaysonWatch
Power Back On, Power OFF, Power ON AGAIN - YEA!!!
Yesterday, I returned home and to my chagrin I found that my power was out, yet again. This was really, really annoying. Geesh, I was plan...
Chris Christie Confronts Heckler
Chris Christie is great the way he takes on and handles the rude heckler. H/T Gateway Pundit
BIG STORM - Powers Back
Last night my power went out somewhere between 4:30 and 5:00 pm and it wasn't restored until the wee hours of the morning. I wish that I...
Cardinal Newman: His Beatification and Work "The Dream of Gerontius"
On September 19th, John Henry Newman was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI during his closing mass in England. A man studying to be a deacon,...
SHOCKING VIDEO!! - So Much For Separation of Church & State When Islam is Involved
This is a shocking and most disturbing situation!! How dare Wellesley School lie or misrepresent the field trip to the parents. This kinda ...
Vote For Christine O'Donnell -- The Right Candidate at the Right Time to STOP the Obama Agenda
Christine O'Donnell is the right candidate at the right time for Delaware and our nation at this time. She has answered the rumors - the...
Mark Levin: Rant on Conservatism; Slams GOP Establishment
This is a wonderful speech!! Levin is spot on!! H/T TheRightScoop
Rare Red Panda Cubs Born in Britain
From the Telegraph : The boy and girl cubs, which arrived in July, were the first to be born at Paignton Zoo Environmental Park in Devon fo...
Revealing Why the Mega Flip-Flopper is a Flam
H/T ExposeObama
Imam Rauf -- The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
Ibn Warraq has written two articles about the Imam, his multiple messages - mixed messages - and the two faces of Imam Feisal Rauf - the go...
John Dennis to Throw Water on the Wicked Witch of the West Nancy Pelosi
This is a brilliant campaign ad. H/T Right Side News
Does Islam Suck?
Remembering 9/11
I can remember September 11, 2001, almost like it was yesterday. I remember that I was driving in my car from Pittsburgh to Steubenville sin...
Down in Dumps -- Enjoy Some Music From "Weird Al"
I am down in the dumps because of this .
Ronald Reagan -- "Those Voices Don't Speak For The Rest of Us"
H/T Roger Hedgecock
God Bless Donald Trump: He Makes Generous Offer to Purchase Ground Zero Mosque Property
I called it! Donald Trump is a true Patriot!! I said that he would offer to buy the property located where the Ground Zero mosque and Islami...
It's Illegal Immigration Stupid!!
While doing further research on illegal immigration I found this video on immigration from Beck back in 2006. Apparently when a study is don...
Landshark 5150 posts on a pathway back to the Constitution . Let The Truth Be Known shouts a warning call and says our government is out ...
Al Qaeda's War Against The Catholic Church
Dave Hartline from The American Catholic has written both an outstanding and a very informative article on Al Qaeda's war against The...
*American Perspective* (MAINFO) Tells us about the ride to stop the Flight 93 Crescent Mosque, seeing Laura Bush , and reveals to us the wo...
Black Conservatives Speak Their Minds to Al Sharpton Protesters in DC
God Bless these conservatives who are standing up for unborn babies lives.