Sestak's nose is surely growing due to all of his rampant dishonesty. Apparently, Sestak has potentially violated House ethics rules ba...
Three Things You Should Know About Islam
A Prayer: St. Albert the Great on Conscience
I recently came across this prayer from Tantamergo at A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics : O Lord Jesus Christ, Who seekest those who stray a...
Liberals and Muslims Paths Converge
I have been thinking about how much both liberals and Muslims have been working together lately. Both of their paths seem to converge and n...
Rule 5 -- Jessica Biel
I love this Rule 5 idea that Stacy at The Other McCain started to entice the eyes, in order to increase the traffic to our blogs. It is c...
Racial Demagoguery by the Left Five Years After Hurricane Katrina
I found this great article by Michelle Malkin on the Left's infatuation with using the race card for political opportunistic purposes...
The Great Deceiver
Celebrating Blessed Mother Teresa's Centenary
Mother Teresa's 100th Birthday Marked Uploaded by NTDTV . - Discover videos of people, family and friends. Mother Teresa's cen...
Russian Hacker, BadB, Arrested
Thank goodness this criminal hacker has been caught by authorities, and arrested. Now, he can do no more harm to any of our computers anymor...
Friday Funnies!
I am heading out of town for a couple days and won't be able to post again until Monday. I hope everyone has a great, fun, and relaxing...
Dismantling America
Thomas Sowell on Shredding the Constitution and thus dismantling America: "We the people" are the familiar opening words of the C...
You Just Might Be a Dhimmi If . . .
You just might be a dhimmi if…you believe in “tolerance” and “openness” to Muslims while displaying the opposite to Christians. You just mig...
Thomas Sowell On Elitist Radicals & America's Collapse
Calvin Coolidge - Speech on Taxes, the Economy, & Freedom
A Terrific Explanation on the Assumption of Mary
Fr. James has a very interesting and most informative explanation on The Assumption of Mary. Enjoy! Not everything was clear for the Bless...
Rule 5 - Rita Hayworth
Sacrilege at Ground Zero; Does One Really Have the Right to Build Anywhere?
I am in total agreement with Charles Krauthemmer. He is spot on! And, since Krauthammer is so eloquent and nails it, IMO, I am posting his w...
Reporting the Truth Gets You Fired
This is unreal. This ABC reporter actually reports the news - tells the truth - and gets fired. I guess you can't tell the truth about t...
Celebrating: 71 Years Ago Today "The Wizard of Oz" Premiered
One of my most favorite films is The Wizard of Oz . Today, the film is celebrating its 71st anniversary. From The Guardian : Here are 71 Fac...
Soldier Homecoming Surprise Mix
Marxism/Socialism/Liberalism FAIL -- Democrats Policies Caused Financial Crisis, NOT Bush's Policies
Obama continues to try to deflect the blame from himself, by blaming Bush again and again, and again, meanwhile the policies of Democrats ar...
Christianity and Voting for Obama: Compatible?
We are big fans of the Quinn and Rose morning show out of Pittsburgh. On the 28th of July, Rose read an email from an old acquaintance who w...
Ava Gardner -- Rule 5 Posting
New Blog -- Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito
For awhile I have been pondering the idea of starting an additional blog that focuses primarily on Catholic theology, catechetics, the bible...
A Trojan Mosque, "Settlements" & 4th Generation Warfare
I heard this article as it was being read over the radio on my way to work this morning. It's quite an interesting article. Enjoy! By Sc...
From RightKlik via Left Coast Resistance : ACTION ALERT: STOP STARK NOW! Help Chris Pareja! ...
My Rant on the Ground Zero Mosque
Newt Gingrich is spot on!! We are asked or told to bend over backwards for Muslims and Islam, which is a so-called religion, and yet they wo...