There is a documentary film coming out that tells the life story of Archbishop Fulton Sheen. The film is called "Archbishop Fulton J. S...
Rep. Anthony Weiner Goes Bazerk on House Floor
Here is another instance where Weiner goes kinda nuts on the House floor: If you want to view even more of Rep.Weiner's nuttiness you c...
Overcoming the Odds: You Can Achieve Your Dreams!
These two sisters are so amazing! Very inspirational!
Elton John Rocks!!
First, Elton John played at Rush Limbaugh's wedding and now he has spoken out and admonished those musicians who are boycotting Arizon...
The Consequences of the NOT so Affordable "Affordable Care Act"
By James A. Bacon: Josh Dent is an early victim of Obamacare . The lanky, shaven-headed machine operator likes the medical insurance plan hi...
Anita MonCrief Will File FEC Charges Against Obama Administration
H/T Stop Marxism
Participating in Rule #5-- "Tush", "Sharp Dressed Man", Babes, Bras & Extreme Coasters
Hot Babes Test Drive Bras on Extreme Coasters:
No Mosque at Ground Zero!
Muslims already have at least one mosque in the vicinity of Ground Zero and don't need another. If we allow Muslims to have yet anothe...
Pentagon Workers Tied To Child Porn
Here is the document that the Inspector General released to the public regarding their investigation of these horrendous acts that were comm...
Raphael's Art Tapestries
The Ruling Class Vs. The Country Class
America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution By Angelo M. Codevilla As over-leveraged investment houses began to fail in Septe...
New Job
I just wanted to let all of my fellow blogging buddies know the reason why I have been posting and commenting sporadically for about the las...
Obama's Patchwork Federalism
The Obama administration's claim that its legal challenge to Arizona's law is due to their strict adherence to the constitution is ...
Janet Boynes: Former Lesbian Leaves the Lifestyle & Embraces God
This is a truly inspiring true story. She lived a homosexual lifestyle for 14 years until an encounter in a grocery store parking lot led he...
2 Vietnams? What?
Only if Sheila Jackson Lee had a brain.... Oh Boy! She is "a few fries short of a happy meal!" Okay... Maybe she only has the box ...
A Peacenik Went to Fight the Jews and Ended Up Getting Raped
She offered her services to help Palestinians fight against Jews and Israel. This woman went to the Middle East and gets raped-- raped by a...
Huge Job Losses Because of Obama's Cap & Ban
From The Foundry : The front page of USA Today claims: “President Obama’s attempt to use the Gulf of Mexico oil spill to help propel compre...
Obamacare: Betrayal by Unprincipled Catholic Nuns & USCCB Paves Way For Abortion Funding
It has come to light that Obama's executive order banning fundng of abortions isn't worth a darn. Thanks to CHA, other "Cathol...
Bailout Joe is Bad for Pennsylvania
Bailout Joe Takes a Stroll Down Memory Lane from Pat Toomey on Vimeo .
Faithful Catholicism a Firing Offense; Godophobia in Higher Education
In recent years, and especially as of late it has become more prevalent for certain people in our society to defend a Muslim’s right to free...
Sex and the Dissident
This program is from
Glenn Beck Threatened by Black Panther
Energy-Dependent Parody
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c An Energy-Independent Future Daily Show Full Episodes Political H...
Reduce The Defense Budget?
E.D. Kain gives reasons why we should reduce our defense budget. He agrees with Grayson's proposed legislation, "The War is Makin...
Sarah Palin: Mama Grizzlies
Street Talk With Fr. Stan Fortuna: Suffering & Redemption
Here is Fr. Stan Fortuna performing Catholic rap:
Are Democratic Policies Causing America's Decline?
Victor Davis Hanson weighs the current bad policies of the Obama administration, the bad policies that are yet to come from the Obama admi...
The Battle of New Oil-leans
Culture War Links 7-7
Indonesian Muslims Call for Halt to 'Christianization' Here is A Bishop's Perspective on Independence Day Here are the Black Pa...
Immigration Speech: President Obama Distorts Truth 7 Times in 54 Seconds
Obama is the master of deception and lies. Bryan Fischer points out that President Obama broke his own record for the number of times that...
Krista Branch: "I Am America"
I heard about this song and video on the Glenn Beck program today. H/T Hopenchangery
Caeser Obama and His Empire of Progressive Leftist-Fascists
This is a great article by James Lewis of the American Thinker : We are seeing another Left-fascist axis in our time, recapitulating Stali...
Having Blogger Comment Problems
For some reason my comments are not posting on my blog but are coming in my email inbox. This just started this evenng. I am trying to figur...
Chickens Roosting
Happy Independence Day!
This video is about Gloucester's contributions that changed the tides of the Revolutionary War which helped lead to our final victory ag...
Obama/Holder DOJ Sides With Black Panther Criminal Thugs: Say Bye Bye To Whites' Voting Rights
This administration has consistently sided with and given more rights to the suspected terrorists, union thugs, and illegal immigrants cross...
Ronald Reagan's Address to the Nation on Independence Day 1986
I thought that this speech given by Ronald Reagan would be good to listen to as we approach Independence Day. God Bless America!
Did The Belgian Police Use Catholic Church to Lure Victims?
It looks like the Belgian Police used the Catholic Church in order use the abuse victims. Let the truth about the awful priest sexual abuse...