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Does Obama Want Israel Destroyed?
Breaking Good News: U.S. Court Grants Asylum to Mosab Yousef 'Son of Hamas'
This is wonderful news!! Praise God!! The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has seen the light! Mosab Yousef will not be deported. He ha...
Elena Kagan's Abortion Distortion
When President Obama promised in his inaugural address to “restore science to its rightful place,” he never explained what that rightful pla...
Lord Of The Rings Meets the World Cup
H/T Acts of the Apostasy
Tuesday Toons
Raid on Catholic Church in Belgium is Flashback to Gestapo Era
"Over the weekend, a story broke in Belgium regarding the raid of Catholic Church offices by Belgian police who were searching for evid...
Iraq's WMD Moved to Syria?
It looks like my theorizing about Iraq's WMD's being moved before the U.S. invasion of Iraq and as to their whereabouts are turning ...
The Bill of Rights & Free-Enterprise
Secularism Encroaches on Freedom of Religion
(CNA News) .- "In an exclusive interview obtained by CNA, Dr. John Haas of the National Catholic Bioethics Center asked Archbishop Don...
Deer Photo
One of my parents took this photo:
Setting a Liberal Straight About the Tea Party Movement
In this article , the author made assertions about the Tea Party movement that were both nonsensical and fallacious. Then he tries to backt...
Obama Birth Certificate Questioned on House Floor
While I tend to think that Obama was born in the U.S. or is considered a U.S. citizen I do believe it is proper for him to follow the chain ...
Defending Our Second Amendment Rights: Guns Save Lives
This is one example of how guns save lives: Here is Keyes speaking on the 2nd Amendment: Guns Save Lives by John Stossel: It's all too ...
A Patriotic Commercial
Jon Voight: An Open Letter To President Obama
This is an excellent letter! I love the way Jon Voight doesn't sugarcoat the truth and the way he expresses his love for America and our...
Should General McChrystal Stay or Go?
In a Rolling Stone's article , General McChrystal's aides let loose on Obama, Biden, and everybody who is anybody on Obama's nat...
Passing of a WWII Icon: Edith Shain
From PR Newswire Edith Shain, the nurse who in 1945 kissed a U.S. sailor in front of Times Square in celebration of the end of WWII, has pa...
Gaza O Gaza! So much misery
Gaza is not as poor as liberals would have you believe. The Left likes to play the poor Gaza game to promote their anti-Israeli propaganda, ...
The Blame Game
Freedom of Speech Being Trampled Upon in America
The Catholic Knight has a great analysis of this video. He gives three reasons why the number of Muslims are growing in America and their s...
Joe Sestak & Nancy Pelosi are Two Peas in a Pod
Joe Sestak . . . Just Another Nancy Pelosi Liberal from Pat Toomey on Vimeo .
"The Three Terrors"
Sen. Kyle Reveals Obama's "Price" For Securing the U.S./Mexico Border
H/T PoedPatriot
Dedication For Fathers Who Have Passed Away
This is a dedication to all those who have fathers who have passed away. This is especially dedicated to my Father-in-Law who my husband lo...
Happy Father's Day Dad
Dad you are the best Dad ever! I remember all the great times we shared while growing up. You were there with me at my softball practices, m...
Papal SmackDown Against Heresy
VATICAN CITY, June 11, 2010 ( ) - Sin, satanic influence and the toleration of heresy lie at the root of the priestly sexua...
Conference Recruiting Terrorists for Islamic New World Order?
From : There is an anti-democracy group called Hizb ut-Tahrir America that is planning another event on July 11 in a Chicago...
Vatican Endorses 'The Blues Brothers'
This is one movie that I haven't seen. This sounds like a fun loving and good movie to watch. In an article marking the 30th anniversar...
Reflections on the Oil Spill, the Cleanup & Obama's Speech
The President’s speech on the oil spill was boring and quite uninspiring at a time when our nation, especially the residents near the Gulf,...
Abortion, Dissension & Excommunication
Jimmy Akin gives a great analysis as to whether Sr. McBride did authorize a direct abortion or not, explains latae sententiae (automatic) ...
Pro-Choice & Nazi Ideology Commonality
Support Three Navy Seals: "Soul of An American Warrior"
Always Catholic , an excellent Traditional Catholic blog, has posted a piece on Elizabeth Kilbride who has authored a book, called "Sou...
Did Bishop Padovese, a Martyr, Save the Pope's Life?
An Italian Vatican expert is making the claim and presents evidence that Bishop Luigi Padovese prevented an assasination attempt on the Pope...
Save Mosab Yousef: His Deportation Will Result in His Certain Death
Do we have an a$$ backwards society now or what? We have a presidential administation that has displayed anti-American sentiment, favoritis...