H/T Randy's Roundtable
Was Israel Raid On Flotilla Self Defense?; Were Activists not Really Peaceful Activists?
From YNetNews: Israel to UN: Flotilla participants not peace activists Deputy Ambassador Carmon tells Security Council emergency meeting, ...
Memorial Day Remembrance -- God Bless The USA!
Lib Media Ignores Sign With Swastikas At Arizona Rally
H/T HotAirPundit
More Stuff on illegal Immigration
Archbishop Gomez on Hispanics in the Catholic Church & Immigration
Some catholic blogs like to give you only half of the story while I prefer to give you the whole story and have a debate on the issue whet...
Useful Idiots For Sharia Law: Ground Zero Mosque Approved
The Ground Zero Mosque is antithetical to the very foundation of America and America’s core principles. The fact that both New York City off...
Sestak-gate: Dick Morris Says "I Think that Would Be in My Judgement Grounds for Impeachment"
Morris: "What their describing today is high ranking, being on the intelligence advisory board yeah, that's important. If that offe...
Father Bascio on illegal Immigration: Evolution Vs. Revolution
Father Bascio has an excellent explanation as to why illegal immigration is immoral. He compares true compassion of legal immigration which ...
Mark Levin Releases Email Address of Sarah Palin's Creep Stalker Next Door Neighbor Joe McGinniss
Over the years, I have noticed just how insensitive liberals can be toward conservatives when a liberal violates a conservative person'...
Chris Christie is My Hero: He Tells a Teacher She Doesn't Have to Teach
I love how Chris Christie tells it like it is and is going after the teacher's unions since it is self-evident that some of the teachers...
Another Example of an "Innocent" illegal Immigrant
While most illegal immigrants may not be evil or committing crimes, an increased amount of crimes are being commited by illegal immigrants. ...
One of the Best Political Ads Ever! -- A Tale of Two Men
H/T Infidels are Cool
Does Canon Law Compel Heroic Acts of Self-Sacrifice?
Over at Journeys in Alterity , Kyle asks a very good question about civil law or canon law compelling a person to heroism. In looking at Ca...
Good Changes to the Roman Missal
I am posting both the link and pictures of changes that have been made to the Roman Missal and which should be implemented (hopefully) soon-...
Families of Victims of 9/11 Reject Ground Zero Mosque
I am reposting a very revealing and informative blog post by Patriot's Corner of 9/11 families rejecting the proposed mosque at ground ...
"24" Series Finale Tonight
I have been a huge fan of the TV series 24 since its inception and am now sad to bid it adieu. Tonight, is the final episode of the series...
EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS I am going to begin posting the links more frequently but not as many at a time. Always Watch tells us how BHO define...
American Government -- A Republic If You Can Keep It
H/T lifeandliberty.org
G.K. Chesterton: Fairy Tales, Dragons & Children
Last night, I was watching the show Criminal Minds when there was an interesting quote mentoned at the end of one of the episodes that...
The OTHER Deacon's Wife
Klavan: Imagine There's No Border
Gov. Brewer Gives a Tip: Reading is Fundamental
H/T gopusa
Glenn Beck Exposes Weiner
I first saw information on this new site called WeinerFacts.com over at Another Black Conservative . He has a great video on his blog expl...
Tom McClintock Teaches Calderon a Lesson on Diplomacy
Are Rosary Beads Gang Related?
Are rosary beads gang related? Is either a cross with rosary-like cloth beads or a rosary really a representation of gangs or as a norm as...
A Documentary: Socialism -- A Clear & Present Danger
America is unfortunately heading toward socialism at an unprecedented pace. There is going to be a documentary that airs on May 23 nationwi...
Sen. Arlen Specter: The End of an Error
Benedict Arlen Specter has been ousted by Rep. Joe Sestak in the Democratic Primary. This is the end of an error- a big error. He is a pol...
Teresamerica Turns 1- Happy Birthday!
Yea!, My blog has turned 1. It was around May 5th when my blog turned 1. I have thoroughly enjoyed blogging and meeting new friends over th...
Athanasius Moment?
Cafeteria Catholics (Liberals!) dissent on basic Church teachings such as those on abortion, contraception, euthanasia, the all-male priesth...
The Catholic Faith : Mary and the Eucharist
EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS Woody Allen declares our republic inconvenient at Nickie Goomba's blog . A Patriotic Rottweiler tells us about...
Donald Berwick -- Nominee Loves Health Care Rationing
Donald Berwick is Obama's pick to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services who defends government rationing of health care. ...