Breaking News
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
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Sarah Palin was right!! -- Death Panels are in the health care law. The Liberal New York Times commentator Paul Krugman says the so-called ...

In Defense of Pope Benedict XVI

During this Holy week, we are seeing more and more Judases come out of the woodwork to accuse and crucify Pope Benedict XVI falsely just lik...

Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
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Eric Cantor has received threats both before and after the health care bill's passage in Congress. But, a shot was fired through the win...

Krauthammer: Obama Administration's Treatment of Israel "Would Mean Strangling the Jewish Areas in Jerusalem"

There seems to be a bias within the Obama administration and within the liberal community against the continued building of Israeli settleme...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Al Sharpton Claims Citizens Voted for Socialism & Drank the Socialism Kool-Aid

So, Al Sharpton speaks at least half the truth for once. This is socialist health care. I would guess that about half of the citizens that v...

Eagle Freedom Links -- Tue 3-23-10

EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS Mind-Numbed Robot  gives an update that a moron judge ordered notorious terrorist freed .   Left Coast Rebel has some...