Sarah Palin was right!! -- Death Panels are in the health care law. The Liberal New York Times commentator Paul Krugman says the so-called ...
In Defense of Pope Benedict XVI
During this Holy week, we are seeing more and more Judases come out of the woodwork to accuse and crucify Pope Benedict XVI falsely just lik...
Rove States: "I Didn't See Any Restraint by Democrats When They Were Attacking George W. Bush"
Rove Stated: "Politics is necessarily about differences, there are big differences between parties and big differences on policy" ...
Bachmann: Arrogant MSM Falsely Portray Intelligent Tea Partiers as 'Toothless Hillbillies'
Happy Passover!
This is an interesting video. Enjoy! Happy Passover!
Some Monday Funnies!!
Another Politically Motivated Attack- Brick Hurled Through GOP Office Window in Michigan
A brick was thrown through the window of the “Fix Michigan Center” in Genoa Township over the weekend in what they are calling “politically-...
In Defense of Sarah Palin
This is an excellent article explaining how some conservatives, many of whom are elitists, actually do not espouse the same conservative bel...
Lib Malloy Calls for Deaths of Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly; Silent MSM= ILLEGITIMATE Pimps R' US
Mike Malloy, a liberal talk show host, has displayed journalistic malpractice by calling for the deaths of Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh,...
A Common Sense Solution that Needs to be Followed by ALL of Our Representatives
Article 5 of the Constitution states: The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to ...
Freedoms Lost Under Passage of Health "Reform" Law
Shawn Tully of Fortune sifted through both health care bills and found out that in both of them, Obama's claims that Americans will be...
Both Raymond Arroyo & Michael Voris on Culture Wars Within Catholic Church
This is about the culture wars within the Catholic Church. They are focusing on the nuns and organizations who have been and still are diss...
How Universal Health Care Will REALLY Affect For the Poor
The State is requiring the Boston Medical Center to operate at a loss which could result in the hospital treating the poor inadequately. Is...
The Bill that Doesn't Give a Crap About the American People
H/T The Wolf Files
Eric Cantor Has Received Threats and Says Dems are "Dangerously Fanning the Flames"
Eric Cantor has received threats both before and after the health care bill's passage in Congress. But, a shot was fired through the win...
Krauthammer: Obama Administration's Treatment of Israel "Would Mean Strangling the Jewish Areas in Jerusalem"
There seems to be a bias within the Obama administration and within the liberal community against the continued building of Israeli settleme...
Single-Payer Health Care: How Compassionate is it REALLY?
H/T Bettnet
Al Sharpton Claims Citizens Voted for Socialism & Drank the Socialism Kool-Aid
So, Al Sharpton speaks at least half the truth for once. This is socialist health care. I would guess that about half of the citizens that v...
Eagle Freedom Links -- Tue 3-23-10
EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS Mind-Numbed Robot gives an update that a moron judge ordered notorious terrorist freed . Left Coast Rebel has some...
Video Examines Evidence That Obama is a Closet Muslim
This video needs to go viral. This video examines the evidence that Obama is a closet Muslim.
Ronald Reagan -- Speech on Socialized Medicine
I think that this speech is appropos today. We must keep our chins up. We can fight against Obamacare-socialized medicine- and stop it from...
Historic Speech by John Boehner on Bloody Sunday
Democrats VOTE YES and ignore the will of the people.
I Want My Country Back!
This is a re-post from Hyphenated American's blog . His words ring oh so true today. The health care vote that took place last night h...
Laura Ingraham Reveals How Rep. Gutierrez Is a Democrat First and Foremost & Abandons Catholic Faith
Another "Catholic" Democrat, Rep. Gutierrez, shows how his Catholicity plays absolutely NO role in his political life. This man i...
Liberal CHA & Liberal Nuns Lead Catholic Flock Astray
The Senate Bill does not contain the anti-abortion language that the House Bill contains in it. The House Bill makes it crystal clear-100% g...
Obamacare: If This Passes, a Poll Showed 46% of Doctors Will Retire Which will Lead to Mega-Rationing
Obamacare will lead to rationing. If you think that there is rationing now, then there will really be a huge increase in rationing if 46% o...
Rand Paul-March 23rd Money Bomb
H/T goes to The Humble Libertarian
Ron Paul's Common Sense Solutions For Health Care Problems
This is a wonderful repost from My Thoughts on Freedom in which Chris posted Ron Paul's common sense solutions to the health care probl...