Here is an interesting transcript of an interview between Ernest Istook and Ed Schultz in which Istook schools Schultz on what is exactly in...
Dubai Crisis??? Explanation of Financial Crisis & Why It is Not Former President George W. Bush's Fault
It seems as though appearances can be deceiving. In recent years, Dubai has been thought to be one of the few cities in the world that has h...
Obama's 10 Commandments
This is a brilliant post by Professor of Life that I am passing along. I hope that everyone enjoys reading this. H/T goes to Professor of L...
Russian News Video: Reporting on the Hoax of Climate Change
As the left continues to lie to American citizens about climate change and rip citizens money off all for a hoax, we conservatives will cont...
Two Different Interviews With Bishop Tobin
Here are two interviews with Bishop Tobin. Please take notice how one is disrespectful and the other is respectful. Here is a Catholic Bis...
Obamacare is Unconstitutional and Immoral
In David Rifkin, Jr. and Lee A. Casey's article , they explain exactly how Obamacare is unconstitutional. The "individual mandate...
Persuasive Evidence That Obama is a Muslim
Big H/T goes to Most Rev. Gregori at his blog Let The Truth Be Known
10 Ways Government Hurts the Poor
A big H/T goes out to Chicago Ray for this article. 10 Ways Government Hurts the Poor by Jerry Agar "If I knew for a certainty that ...
On Meet The Press Senators Clash Over Health Care Bill (Video)
Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison, Dick Durbin, Diane Feinstein, Joe Lieberman debate Sen. Reid's Health Care Bill.
My Rant on Health Care & Morality
This health care bill passing cloture last night is an utter disgrace to the American people. These Democratic politicians are giving every ...
Amazing Sarah Palin Has Interviews With Sean Hannity & Bill O'Reilly
Sarah Palin sold 300,000 copies of Going Rogue yesterday. A H/T goes out to Gateway Pundit for this next article: And, FOX News released...
Invasion Of The Brain Snatchers
One explanation for the disease known as liberalism is that . . . Aliens snatched the likes of Nancy Pelosevich, Rachel Madcow, Dingy Harry ...
10 Facts You Should Know About Reid's Government-Run Health Care
10 Things... You Should Know About Harry Reid’s Government-Run Health Care Experiment 1. $493 Billion In Tax Increases On Health Insurance, ...
CCHD & George Soros- Its Worse Than We Thought
EWTN TV HOST CHALLENGES BISHOPS The host of a national Catholic TV talk show says that Catholic Bishops have to come clean on their funding ...
The President's Crotch Salute
You’d think, if he’s Commander in Chief , the least he could do is salute those killed! Our Disgraceful President. The man shows absolutel...
Zo Stands Up For Sarah Palin
Senator Lindsay Graham Excoriates Eric Holder
Yesterday, Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina excoriated Eric Holder. He ripped Eric Holder to shreds. I love it! The Attorney Genera...
CATHOLIC LIBERAL WATCH: Do Not Donate To The CCHD Fund This Weekend
H/T goes to Gateway Pundit for this article. Kathy S. sent this news about the upcoming CCHD drive planned for next weekend at Catholic Chu...
NYC Prison Guard Maimed by Al-Qaeda Says Don't House Terror Suspects in NYC
This is an article I found on Jihad Watch. Former NYC prison guard blinded, nearly raped by al-Qaeda inmates warns against plan to try jiha...
Doubt? Funding Terrorism? (Video)
Obama wants to enable Muslims to fund terrorism??? WTF??? We must stop this.... This dishonorable pond scum wants to allow Muslims to pay le...
Obama & Holder: Do They Hate America or Do They REALLY Hate America?
are Cheerleaders FOR Eric Holder, President Obama, and all the officials in the Obama administration decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed ...
Obamacare is Not Fiscally Responsible (Video)
Dan Mitchell: You can take it to the bank that government-run health care is a red-ink train wreck.
We Must Stop H.R. 45 - Most Draconian Gun Control Measure In Recent Years
We Need To Stop H.R. 45! This is The Biggest Threat to Gun Rights Ever!! H.R. 45 is the most draconian gun control measure of recent memor...
Amazing!!! Liberal Blogger Praises George W. Bush
Below is a link to a comment thread that I think all conservative bloggers would be proud to read. There is a liberal blogger praising Geor...
Honoring Our Military on Veterans Day
On Veterans Day, it is with great pride that we honor our brave men and women who are serving in the military today as well as those who hav...
I Had a Fabulous Time at the Michele Bachmann Rally in Washington D.C.
I had a fabulous time at the rally in Washington D.C. on Thursday, November 5th. It was wonderful hearing from Michele Bachmann, Jon Voight,...
U.S. Catholic Bishops Pro PelosiCare: USCCB Anti-Liberty??? & Anti-Freedom???
The USCCB(United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) was NEVER AGAINST this health care bill . As a Catholic, I am appalled at the way ...
20th Anniversary: Remembering Fall of The Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was erected by the German Democratic Republic(GDR), and encircled the city of West Berlin, separating it from East Germany. ...
A Rant on Health Care & Mike Pence Speech (video)
Can the government really take care of our health care and plan our lives better than we as individuals can? What right does our government ...
Obama's Disgraceful Response to the Ft. Hood Shootings
President Obama has the ability to be eloquent when he wants to, and he DID NO T display eloquence during his press conference. He displaye...
Women Say to Govt: Stay The Heck Out of My Health Care
WHAT WOMEN WANT ON HEALTH CARE By HEATHER RICHARDSON HIGGINS Women are seen as a key constituency of Democrats, particularly on issues like...
Surprise: I am Going to Michele Bachmann's Rally- Suggestions For Questions Please!!
Yeah!! I am traveling to Washington D.C. on Thursday to Attend Michele Bachmann's Rally!!! I am asking for any and all suggestions on qu...
My Thoughts on The Fight To Keep Our Freedom & The Fight Against Tyranny
As many citizens and I, continue to fight to keep our life, liberty, and our ability to be in pursuit of happiness from being destroyed from...