Sotomayor rebuked by would-be colleagues The Supreme Court Justices have just made a ruling in favor of the white firefighters in Bias Case....
Stop Flushing Our Money Away
The government is wasting our money everyday, at an alarming rate. I thought that you might like to see how the Chesapeake Virginia Tea Part...
The Gang of Eight Who Abandoned Us
We have yet again, been let down by our Republican Representatives. If all of the Republicans in the House of Representatives had stuck toge...
The Walpin Firing: Where There's Smoke There's B.O.
Last Wednesday Inspector General Gerald Walpin learned that he was being fired. Was his being fired due to his astute abilities in finding c...
33 Minutes Video Trailer LInk
Is The United States Ready? Missile Defense 33 Minutes
ABC, Obama, and Health Care -- A Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy
In an article written by Jennifer Harper of The Washington Times on Friday June, 19, 2009, she writes about the 60-minute ABC program, to ai...
Instead Of TARP And Stimulus: What If The U.S. Had Paid Off Its Debt To China?
As a conservative, I am appalled at the way that our government has chosen to waste citizens tax dollars to bail out the car companies and t...
OLD T.V. Theme Songs
With the recession and all the craziness going on in America and across the World I thought that it would be interesting to devote a portion...
Pelosi, Where's The Proof?
On May 14, 2009 Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi accused the CIA of lying about the timeline of when she was informed on the use of enhanc...
Bill Maher Takes On Obama
I probably disagree with most everything that Bill Maher believes in since he is a far left wing liberal. Even with disagreeing with Maher I...
Should The FBI Be Reading Suspected Terrorists Miranda Rights?
While on the ground at the U.S. base detention facilities in Bagram, Afghanistan Congressman Mike Rogers(R-MI) discovered that FBI agents ar...
Do Not Allow Obama To Serve a 3rd Term-Stop Resolution 5 From Being Passed
Some information has just been brought to my attention regarding a piece of congressional legislation. The House of Representatives has prop...
Call and E-Mail Pelosi-Save American Troops Lives!!!!
I am encouraging all people who visit my site to call Nancy Pelosi and make your voices be heard so that the Abu-Graib abuse photos are not ...
Obama's Narrow Use of the Word Terrorist
Since the killing of both the abortionist George Tiller and Private Long I have been contemplating how both the President and the MSM respon...
Bringing an End to This False Prophet Obama! Jon Voight
Here is Jon Voight's Speech at the GOP fundraiser last night: Jon Voight does an excellent job of challenging Obama on his many agendas!...
FR. Frank Pavone's Pro-Life Column-Spread The Word
This is from Fr. Frank Pavone's column at Priests For Life Fr. Frank Pavone received this letter: Fr. Frank Pavone Praise for our work:...
My Response to Obama's Cairo Speech
At Cairo, President Obama stated,"More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Musli...
Playboy Writer Spews Vulgar Fantasy Rape List
While listening to the news this morning I heard something very sick and disturbing. A Playboy writer, by the name of Guy Cimbalo made a fa...
Part I: Hannity's Interview With Rush Limbaugh
In this interview Rush Limbaugh discusses reasons why he wants Obama and the Obama policies to fail. I totally agree with Rush Limbaugh'...
Sonia Sotomayor in Context by Thomas Sowell
Here is an article by Thomas Sowell wriitten on the website IBD Editorials. I thought my viewers would like to see this. Sonia Sotomayor In ...
Are the Families of Victims of 9/11 Getting Shafted by Obama Administration?
I gained my information from an article posted by Worldnet Daily on June 1, 2009: "The Obama administration has petitioned the U.S. Sup...
Sotomayor:"Physiological Differences" ?!? It Looks A Lot Like Racism
Sonia Sotomayor gave this speech at a University of California at Berkeley Law School Raising the Bar Symposium. The symposium was specifica...